
Instructions for connecting your Flask apps and deploying them on ToyStack

Step 1: Ensure your app is Dockerised

ToyStack uses docker to deploy your application and will look for a Dockerfile in the top-level of your project structure.

You can either use your own Dockerfile or use the following template:

FROM python:3.8

RUN mkdir /workdir
WORKDIR /workdir
COPY requirements.txt /workdir/
RUN pip install --upgrade pip wheel
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /workdir/

CMD ["python", "-m", "flask", "run", "--host=", "--port=5000"]

Step 2: Import your Git repository

Go to the ToyStack Dashboard and create a new project using your repository.

Step 3: Input environment variables

For detailed instructions, please see the Environment Variables page.

Step 4: Choose a plan

Step 5: Deploy

Simply select the branch you want to deploy, its deployment validity and ToyStack will deploy it

Last updated